Fewer plastics more livability

For a world that’s sustainable and low on pollutants.


PolymerHemp is a cutting-edge science and technology firm that provides an environmentally-friendly resin solution ideal for applications that demand high strength, minimal respiratory irritation, and reduced equipment wear

eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics

According to Sustainability Victoria, Australians use around 10 million plastic bags every day. Even though soft plastics can now be recycled (drop them off at your local RedCycle collection point), only 3 per cent of those bags are actually being recycled. Taking reusable shopping bags on your next grocery run is the easiest way to reduce this number. Whether you prefer a stylish cotton tote, a backpack or one that folds up so it can fit in your handbag, using bags you already have in the house is better than buying new ones. Look for supermarket totes that have thick straps so they are strong enough to carry heavier items and, where possible, choose bags made from cotton, canvas, calico or recycled plastic, as these are more sustainable choices.

What are the advantages of bioplastics?

Let us count the ways:
  • Less waste
  • No carbon emissions
  • No harmful health effects

PolymerHemp: Where technology meets nature.

For businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, PolymerHemp’s bioplastics are the answer. They’re made from recycled materials and organic additives – na- ture’s way of keeping the planet healthy.

Why Choose Bioplastics?

Better Carbon Footprint, Reduced Fossil Fuel Dependence, and Improved End-of-Life Scenarios for Recycling and Disposal.