Medical Industry
Another dynamic shift in the plastics sector that has recently demonstrated significant growth through commercial acceptance, investments, manufacturing, and research & development is bioplastics.
According to the European Bioplastics Association, bioplastics made up nearly 1% of the global polymer industry in 2021, and growth is anticipated to reach nearly an astounding 25% until 2026.
Although consumer goods, flexible packaging, and rigid packaging currently account for 60% of bioplastics’ applications, the remaining 40% span a wide range of industries.
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Best and Effective
Face masks, hair caps, medical packaging, and other similar products that contribute to rising environmental concerns over healthcare waste without a recycling option represent a potential market for bioplastics in the medical industry.
Breathable Material That Lets Air Pass
That is important in the medical industry where doctors and other staff might have to pull 12hours+ shifts.
It Lasts So Long You’ll Forget When You Bought It
Medical textiles made of hemp fabric would stand the test of time. That translates to low expenses on replacement.
Medial Industry Highly
- Quality: The purity of the polymer, which must be >99.5% and designated as a medical grade, is the primary requirement.
- Biocompatibility: Degradation, compatibility with bodily fluids and substances, and biological safety of the substance
- Certifications: Bio-material users expect the material to be certified with a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), EU material compliance, and Biocompatibility certificate (USP Class VI / ISO 10993) and FDA, among others.
- Price and availability: Low-impact factors in medical applications, but the recent emergence of PLA for biomedical applications has increased cost-effectiveness and supply stability.
A Key to Quality
Materials would never degrade under normal environmental conditions. Therefore, a specialised industrial composite that would hasten the degradation caused by elements like temperature and humidity is needed. Additional energy, cost, and time added to the process defy the closed-loop concept.
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To provide environmentally friendly RDP solution that optimizes our customers’ experience